
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

First Post

I didn't really know to much about the graduation project until last trimester, when a couple of seniors in my Modern America class where talking about the requirements and the time that they put into theirs. From what I heard from those seniors this graduation project seemed impossible and little ridiculous.

While in my Model U.N. class we studied a lesson on the diamond conflict in Sierra Leone and ever since then I knew that I wanted to learn more about this topic. But I always had an interest in the AIDS crisis, so I guess those are a couple of topics that I am interested in.

Some concerns that I have with this project is that I not comfortable with HTML, or Dreamweaver or Photoshop and just about anything that has to do with computers, so that alone will make this project a difficult task.


  1. Alexis,

    Slow down with your worries about HTML Dreamweaver or PhotoShop! Your project is not basesd totally on your knowledge of those programs. However, keep in mind your topic should become a project not a report. The diamond conflict in Sierra Leone lends itself better towards a report than a project. Think to yourself - how can I get actively involved in my topic? You and I can talk about your ideas.
    - Mrs. Savido

  2. Alexis,

    Let's talk about Nelson today.

    - Mrs. Savido
