
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

....back at iit aqaiin....

soooo.,ii kiinda deciidedb two take a break from my project until a frewnd, who is a senior, told me and a group of others that iif she had the chance she would have taken advantage of thee tiime she had two work on her graduatiion project iin eleventh grade. So iit kiinda make meh scaredd a liittle bekause ii havent even thought about myy project, let alone workked on iit siince ii had the class back iin the secondd triimester. So ii guess thiis post iis just a heads up for eveyone, and letting ya'll as well as myyself that iim qonna qet more focusedd.,at least when iit comes two my qraduatiion project!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

....Did You KNOW??...

1) 11% of all U.S. births are to teens?
2) Two thirds of all teen pregnancies occur among 18-19 year olds?
3) One third of women become pregnant at least once before they are 20?
4) One in four teenage girl has at least on STD?
5) As of last year, nearly one half of all U.S. high school students admitted to having sexual intercourse at least once?
6) It has been proven that, abstinence-only programs do not keep teens from having sex, nor do the increase or decrease the likelihood that a teenager will use a condom?
(Abigial Jones, Scenes of a Sexual Nature)
7) Every 13 seconds an adolescent contracts an STD?
8) 19 million cases of STD’s are reported each year and half of them are teenagers?
(Reality Matters: Teen Sexuality)

Friday, February 20, 2009

1) What is media pressure?
2) What are different ways mendia can affect people, particuarlly teenagers?
3)What is sexuality?
4)What are the consequences of premature sexual activity?
5)How does the media portray abstinence, if at all?
6) Why does society view teen sexuality in such a negative way?
7)Does media really cause teens to experiment sexually or does it merely reflect what teens are already doing?
8)How does peer pressure play a role sexual activity?

Friday, January 23, 2009

So after researching the topic of dating violence and like the rest of those other topics, I realized that it just wasn't for me. So I decided to research teen sexuality and found alot of information but I thought that 'teen sexuality' wasn't a project so I put a spin on it and added 'media pressure'. So now my project is "Media Pressure on Teen Sexuality" and my essential question is "What is the effect of media pressure on teen sexuality?" NOW IM READY, EEEKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

At first I wanted my graduation project topic to be about the diamond conflict in Sierra Leone but after researching the topic I realized that it wasn't for me. So I started to look around and I came across the topic of dating violence. After I researched it a little bit more and fell in love with it because that topic relates so much to my past and I know this topic can be beneficial to a lot of people, boys and girls. To meet my deadline on Friday, I have to figure out my essential question and find 5 more websites.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

First Post

I didn't really know to much about the graduation project until last trimester, when a couple of seniors in my Modern America class where talking about the requirements and the time that they put into theirs. From what I heard from those seniors this graduation project seemed impossible and little ridiculous.

While in my Model U.N. class we studied a lesson on the diamond conflict in Sierra Leone and ever since then I knew that I wanted to learn more about this topic. But I always had an interest in the AIDS crisis, so I guess those are a couple of topics that I am interested in.

Some concerns that I have with this project is that I not comfortable with HTML, or Dreamweaver or Photoshop and just about anything that has to do with computers, so that alone will make this project a difficult task.